Saturday, September 5, 2009



Treat yourself to the free-swinging comfort that only a hammock can give with this snappy blue striped single-person cotton model. Includes a pillow!

Swing hammocks have been around for quite some time. In fact swing hammocks began nearly 1000 years ago in central American by the Mayan Indians. Swing hammocks were first woven from the Hamack tree but later the sisal plan became the material used mainly because it was available in abundance. Cotton hammocks have been around for about 50-60 years.

Finding its way throughout central and South America, swing hammocks were soon made from fabrics and materials indigenous to the people of the region and the classic cloth or fabric hammocks and the cord and rope hammocks evolved. Used by natives for 'siesta time' hammocks were widely popular. Carried back to Europe by the earlier explorers swing hammocks became popular especially with sailors and the navy.

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